25 febrero 2010

Mosab Hassan Yousef

Acaba de ser revelado que Mosab Hassan Yousef, hijo del fundador de Hamás, el jeque Hassan Yousef, ha trabajado como agente doble de la inteligencia israelí durante más de una década. Durante este periodo, frustró decenas de atentados suicidas y facilitó el arresto o la ejecución de muchos terroristas sanguinarios. Esto es lo que opina de él y de su trabajo un antiguo cargo de la inteligencia israelí:

“So many people owe him their life and don’t even know it,” said [his Shin Bet] handler, named in Yousef’s book as Captain Loai. “People who did a lot less were awarded the Israel Security Prize. He certainly deserves it.”

Loai makes no secret of his admiration for his former source. “The amazing thing is that none of his actions were done for money,” he says. “He did things he believed in. He wanted to save lives. His grasp of intelligence matters was just as good as ours – the ideas, the insights. One insight of his was worth 1,000 hours of thought by top experts.”

El hijo del fundador certifica lo que cualquiera mínimamente interesado en Hamás sabe: que su lucha es religiosa y no política y que nunca aceptarán la igualdad con los israelís, a los consideran despreciables.

"Hamas cannot make peace with the Israelis,” he told the daily. “That is against what their God tells them. It is impossible to make peace with infidels, only a cease-fire, and no one knows that better than I. The Hamas leadership is responsible for the killing of Palestinians, not Israelis.”

Hassan Yousef vive ahora en EEUU, país en el que la semana siguiente se publica "Son of Hamas", su libro de memorias. Que la fortuna le sea propicia.
(Vía Harry's PLace y Little Gree Footballs)

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