11 octubre 2007


Aun en el improbable caso de que todavía nadie le haya gritado con cajas destempladas ¡neocón!,le será de utilidad este reportaje sobre Roger Cohen , columnista del International Herald Tribune y situado en lo que los países anlgosajones se denomina pro-war left :

"Neocon is an insult used to obliterate the existence of this liberal position,” says Paul Berman, a writer often so insulted.
Liberal interventionists, if you recall, were people like myself for whom the sight in the 1990s of hundreds of thousands of European Muslims processed through Serbian concentration camps, or killed in them, left little doubt of the merits, indeed the necessity, of U.S. military action in the name of the human dignity that only open societies afford (...)
One reluctant liberal interventionist signed the Iraq Liberation Act in 1998 that said: “It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein.” His name was Bill Clinton. Baghdad is closer to Sarajevo than the left has allowed.

También es instructivo para los que creen que apoyar la invasión de Irak no puede ser un error de apreciación sino pura maldad imperialista y dolares manchados de sangre:

For this left, anyone who supported the Iraq invasion, or sees merits to it despite the catastrophic Bush-Rumsfeld bungling, is a neocon. That makes Vaclav Havel and Adam Michnik and Kanan Makiya and Bernard Kouchner neocons, among others who don’t think like Norman Podhoretz but have more firsthand knowledge of totalitarian hell than countless slick purveyors of the neocon insult.

También son neocons, aunque menos famosos, la mayor parte de la izquierda iraquí y todos los kurdos. Naturalmente.

2 comentarios:

Gregorio Luri dijo...

Los prejuicios, sin embargo, son invencibles. El mito siempre acaba dominando a la razón. Si los neoconservadores son culpables de algo es de no haber sabido crear mitos.

Petrusdom dijo...

Del artículo de R. Cohen me quedo con un comentario de su blog, es magnífico:
“Gregor Samsa awakes one morning in his family’s apartment to himself transformed overnight into a gigantic cockraoch.”

Oh my, the cockraoches are back! Get the spray can.

Saludos cordiales.